
While stretching out lazily at the foot of the imposing mountain range, Drama is a place with rare natural beauty and unique character, 37 km northwest of Kavala. Indeed, if you think to visit a place in Greece, which has not been altered by tourism, then this gorgeous city and the surrounding beauties is for you. There are very interesting restaurants and temples of ouzo in the city, as well as a thriving nightlife with many and luxury coffee-bars. Furthermore, there are “zany” nightclubs, some close to the city center and some others a little further away of it.

Drama is beautiful and hospitable with featuring picturesque neighbourhoods, spacious squares, green areas and well-preserved neoclassical mansions.

Falakro mountain is the symbol of Drama. Despite its name, which means “bald” in Greek language, due to the view of its alpine peaks, it’s a mountain with rich vegetation and wildlife. A ski center operates in Falakro with 3 chalets.

Visit the wineries of drama

Viticulture is very famous in the area. There are 7 wineries, ready to welcome and guide you through the endless vineyards, where you can try some of the most flavorful tastes of wines.
